What is secured by design?

What is secured by design?

Here at Slicker Bike Shelters, we recognize the importance of security in creating safe and secure spaces for people to live, work, shop, and visit. One of the key ways to ensure this is by adhering to Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative that focuses on enhancing the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings.

Secure by designs accreditation scheme, known as the Police Preferred Specification, provides a recognized standard for security products that can effectively deter and reduce crime. This scheme has accredited many hundreds of companies that produce thousands of attack-resistant products across 30 different crime categories.

Asgard, along with other accredited companies, ensures that their products meet the high standards set by secure by design, providing customers with reliable, high-quality, and secure solutions for their needs. By prioritizing security in their products and services, Asgard and other Secure by design-accredited companies contribute to creating safer and more secure environments for everyone.

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